Srirudram – Namakam (Chapter 16 of Yajur-Veda) Anuvaka 1 Om namo bhagavate rudraya Namaste rudramanyavautota ishhave namah Namaste astu dhanvane bahubhyamuta te namah Oh! Rudra Deva! M... Read more
oṃ athātmānagṃ śivātmānag śrī rudrarūpaṃ dhyāyet || śuddhasphaṭika saṅkāśaṃ trinetraṃ pañca vaktrakam | gaṅgādharaṃ daśabhujaṃ sarvābharaṇa bhūṣitam || nīlagrīvaṃ śaśāṅkāṅkaṃ nāga yaṅñopa vī... Read more
People worship lord Shiva in the Shivalinga form. There are various materials with which Shiva linga is made and worshiped and the results are said to be different. The following are the 32... Read more
This rare Ganesha Asthakam from ancient scriptures is called Iccha Siddhi Ganesha Asthakam and is said to fulfill one’s wishes if recited daily thrice during the tri-sandhyas. Janardha... Read more
As a guide for those who want to know the correct way of pronouncing and reciting these Vedic stotras, I have recorded MP3 stotras. For each stotra I have bought and listened to 3-4 versions... Read more
As a guide for those who want to know the correct way of pronouncing and reciting these Vedic stotras, I have recorded MP3 stotras. For each stotra I have bought and listened to 3-4 versions... Read more
As a guide for those who want to know the correct way of pronouncing and reciting these Vedic stotras, I have recorded MP3 stotras. For each stotra I have bought and listened to 3-4 versions... Read more
As a guide for those who want to know the correct way of pronouncing and reciting these Vedic stotras, I have recorded MP3 stotras. For each stotra I have bought and listened to 3-4 versions... Read more
As a guide for those who want to know the correct way of pronouncing and reciting these Vedic stotras, I have recorded MP3 stotras. For each stotra I have bought and listened to 3-4 versions... Read more
As a guide for those who want to know the correct way of pronouncing and reciting these Vedic stotras, I have recorded MP3 stotras. For each stotra I have bought and listened to 3-4 versions... Read more