In the ritualistic Hindu Vedic Poojas the deity is worshiped by offering 16 services known as the Shodasa Upacharas. Pooja actually has a tow fold puorpose. One is the Baahya-Pooja or the ri... Read more
Surya Namaskara was a part of the daily ritual of our ancients. It is a wonderful regular routine of exercise, prayer and worship given in the scriptures of ancient of India. Surya Namaskara... Read more
(Installation of Life in a Shri Yantra) A yantra must be given life (pranapratishta) before starting its worship. The following, from Nityotsava, describes the process of infusing life into... Read more
Bhuvaneshwari – Means the Queen of the Universe, Maya, power of love, peace within, as void. She is like the red rays of the rising sun, with the moon as her diadem, and with three eye... Read more
Bagala or Bagalamukhi is the eighth Mahavidya in the famous series of the 10 Mahavidyas.She is identified with the second night of courage and is the power or Shakti of cruelty. She is descr... Read more
Matangi. Dhumavati. The colour of smoke, wearing smoky clothes, holding a winnowing basket, dishevelled clothes, deceitful, always trembling, with slant eyes, inspiring fear, terrifying. The... Read more
Her left foot forward in battle, she holds her severed head and a knife. Naked, she drinks voluptuously the stream of the blood nectar flowing from her beheaded body. The jewel on her forehe... Read more