Bagala or Bagalamukhi is the eighth Mahavidya in the famous series of the 10 Mahavidyas.She is identified with the second night of courage and is the power or Shakti of cruelty.
She is described as the Devi with three eyes, wearing yellow clothes and gems, moon as her diadem, wearing champaka blossoms, with one hand holding the tongue of an enemy and with the left hand spiking him, thus should you meditate on the paralyser of the three worlds.
Bagalamukhi means “The Crane-Headed One”. This bird is thought of as the essence of deceit. She rules magic for the suppression of an enemy’s gossip. These enemies also have an inner meaning, and the peg she puts through the tongue may be construed as a peg or paralysis of our own prattling talk. She rules deceit which is at the heart of most speech. She can in this sense be considered as a terrible or Bhairavi form of Matrika Devi, the mother of all speech. According to Todala Tantra, her male consort is Maharudra.
Seated on the right of Bagala is the Maharudra, with one face, who dissolves the universe.
The Bagalamukhi Mantra as per Mantra Mahodadhi:
“Om Hleem Sarva Dusthaanaam Vaacham Mukham Paadam stambhaya jihvyamkilaya buddhim vinaashaya Hleem Om Swaha”
The tantrik worship of these most powerful Vidyas must be practiced only under the guidence of a siddha Guru.
Learn how to worship Devi with the great Shodasi Mantra japa.
Those who are interested in Devi poojas this is a simple and fairly easy to perform Sriyantra pooja.
For those who don’t have the time a simple Khadgamala recital is > here
For those who have the time and inclination a full and very detailed Navavarana pooja as per the great Kaulavachara is > here