The letter of the Collector and the reply thereto typify the early official attitude on the question. When aLord Wellesley similar letter was written by the Magistrate of the Bihar district... Read more
Another form of infanticide was far more widely spread, especially among the Rajputs, Jats and Mewats in Central and Western India. Here, the difficulty of marrying girls led the parents to... Read more
Although the beginnings of English education on a sound basis are to be traced to the momentous decision of 1835, the evolution of a comprehensive and coordinated system of education had to... Read more
Government could not altogether ignore the new spirit. At the time of the renewal of the Company’s Charter in 1813, Parliament asked the Company to take measures for the “introdu... Read more
The Raja similarly drew up petitions against the Jury Act of 1827. The provisions of the Act and the grounds of the Raja’s objection thereto may be gathered from the following extract:... Read more
The New India and Raja Rammohan Roy IN SPITE of political convulsions and economic retrogression the first century of British rule in India (1757-1858) is in certain respects a memorable epo... Read more