29. If the ascendant, falls in the sign of Pisces or its Navamsa in any sign in lagna there will be confusion as to the direction of the destination or the correct path to be taken or there... Read more
5. In the eighth house, benefics excepting the Moon protect the life of the person (i.e., they cause prolonged life for the person). In the ninth house they give fame and wealth. In the tent... Read more
16. The house wherein three planets along with Mercury are situated, produces invariably a wound or a mole in the part of the body signified by that house. If a malefic is situated in the 6t... Read more
9. If the ascendant and the Moon are placed between two malefics without being aspected by benefics, the woman in pregnancy dies. 10. The planets Venus, Mars, Jupiter, the Sun the Moon, Satu... Read more
Chapter 12 – Query relating to Marriage 1. If the Moon is placed in the houses 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th or 11th from the ascendant aspected by the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury the querist is to... Read more
Chapter 10 – Queries Regarding objects held in the mind or in the Fist 1. If on the ascendant the Moon or Mercury is situated and if there is the aspect of the Moon or Mercury on the a... Read more
4. If benefics occupy the 5th, 7th and 8th houses and there is aspect of benefic planets over the malefics and the Moon occupies 11th, 3rd, 6th or 10th houses and there are benefics in the s... Read more
9. If Saturn placed in quadrant, aspects Sun posited in another quadrant, the result is defeat. If the Sun be placed in the eighth house and is aspected by Saturn posited in a quadrant, deat... Read more
9. If the ascendant or the fourth house falls in the signs Leo, Aries, Sagittarius and Taurus and if no planet is situated in these places then also enemy will not be able to stay. This is c... Read more
3. If Benefics are placed in triangular houses and quadrants and malefics in 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses, the querist will have gains very quickly. If they are situated otherwise (in the oppos... Read more