Stanza 18: The last drekkana of Virgo represents a female, yellowish, covered by a great white silk cloth, tall, holding a pot and spoon, and going to a temple with great sanctity Stanza 19... Read more
Chapter 27 Drekkana adhyaya Stanza 1: The first drekkana of Aries represents a man with a white cloth around his waist, dark complexion, pretending to protect, fearful red eyes and a lifted... Read more
Chapter 26 Nasta jataka (unknown horoscopes) Stanza 1: When a person has no record of his birth time or the time of conception, the birth must be predicted according to the lagna rising at t... Read more
Stanza 4: If the 5th and 9th are occupied by malefics unaspected by benefics, death comes from bondage. If the Drekkana rising in the 8th falls in a sarpa or nigada, then similar death occur... Read more
Stanza 9: If there are several malefics in the 7th, she becomes a widow. If there are evil and good planets there, she’ll marry a second husband in the same caste. If there’s a powerless evi... Read more
Stanza 14: If the dispositor of Moon’s Navamsa, Sun, Moon and Jupiter are in debilitation or in unfriendly amsas, they produce self-slavery, slavery by purchase or hereditary slavery when on... Read more
Chapter 23 Anishtadhyaya (misfortunes) Stanza 1: If the 5th and 7th houses from lagna or Moon be occupied or aspected by benefics or their lords, then these bhavas will prosper; if not, they... Read more
Stanza 4: If malefics join the solar hora in odd signs, the person becomes famous, undertakes great works, possesses strength, wealth and great personal attractions. If benefics join the lun... Read more
Stanza 3: Sun in 7th – disgrace from women. In the 8th, fine children and defective sight. In the 9th – possessed of children, wealth and happiness, the 10th – happiness and courage. In the... Read more
Chapter 19 Drishti phaladhyaya (results of planetary aspects) Stanza 1: When the Moon is in Aries aspected by Mars, etc., the person becomes a king, philosopher, equal to a ruler, virt... Read more