Ch.75. Characteristic Features of Panchmahapurushas
1-2. The sage said. O Maitreya! Now I will relate to you the characteristic features of Panchmahapurushas. When Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, being in their own, or exaltation Rāśi, be in Kendra to Lagna, they give rise to Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, Malavya and Sasa Yogas. These Yogas are called Panchmahapurusha Yogas and the persons, born in these Yogas, are known Panchmahapurushas.
3-7. The Ruchaka native possesses a long face, he is very enthusiastic, has spotless lustre, is powerful, has attractive brows, black hair and is fond of all things. He loves to fight wars, is of dark-red complexion, is victorious over enemies, is discriminating, is protector of thieves and has cruel temperament and slender thighs. He is a devotee of Brahmins, has marks of Veena, Varga, 2ndus, Pasha and Vrasha Rāśis in his hands along with Chakra Rekha. He is well versed in occult sciences. He is 100 Anguls in height, his waste has the circumference, equal to the length of his face and is 1000 Karshas in weight. He, as ruler of Sahyachala and Vindhya Pradesh, dies, after attaining the age of 70, by fire or weapons.
Notes. The old Rupee had the weight of 1 Karsha. 4 Karshas are equal to one Pala and 300 Palas make one Libra, according to Amarkosha. 20 Libras are equal to one Bhara.
8-12. The Bhadra native is splendorous, like a lion, has very developed chest (or chest with well developed muscles), has the gait of an elephant, has long and thick arms, is learned in all respects. He is well versed in Yoga performance, is Sattva-Guni and has beautiful feet, moustaches and head. He is fond of luxuries and comforts and has marks of Sankha (conch), Chakra, Gada, arrow, elephant, Dhwaja (flag) and Hala (plough) in his hands and feet. He is well versed in Shastras, has black and curly hair, possesses independent nature and is protector of his family. His friends share in the enjoyment of his wealth. He is 20 Libras in weight. He lives happily with his wife and children and, as ruler of Madhya Desha, lives for one hundred years.
13-16. The Hamsa native has voice, like a Hamsa, has a handsome appearance and well developed nose. He is a king with phlegmatic temperament, honey-like tawny-coloured eyes, red-coloured nails, sharp intelligence, sturdy cheeks, round forehead and beautiful feet. He has marks of Matsya (fish), Ankush (the iron hook, with which elephants are driven), 2ndus (bow), Sankh, Kamal (lotus) in his hands and feet. He is very passionate and his lust remains unfulfilled. He is 96 Anguls in height. He is fond of swimming and playing games in watery places. He enjoys life fully and, as ruler of a land, situated between the Ganges and Yamuna, dies after attaining the age of 100 years.
17-19. The Malavya native has beautiful lips and a slender waist. He is lustrous, like Moon, and has fragrance in his body. He is of ordinary red complexion, has a medium stature and clean and beautiful teeth. His voice is like that of an elephant and his arms are long enough to reach up to his knees. His face is thirteen Anguls in length and ten Anguls in breadth. He lives happily for seventy years, as ruler of Sindhu and Malwa, and then leaves for his heavenly abode.
20-22. The Sasa native has small sized teeth and face, but his body is not small. He is valorous. He has a slender waist and beautiful thighs. He is wise and enjoys wandering in forests and mountains. He is well versed in the loopholes of the enemy. He is lively, virile and fond of women. He usurps other peoples wealth. He has marks of Mala (garland), Veena, Mridanga (musical instruments) and weapons in his hands and feet. He rules happily over several parts of the earth and then leaves for his heavenly abode at the age of 70.
Ch. 76. Effects of the Elements
1. The sage said. O Brahmin! Now I will tell you about the effects of the five elements: space, air, fire, water and earth. 2. Space, air, fire, water and earth are ruled by Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury. The effects are experienced in proportion to the intensity of the various elements.
3-4. The native will have temperament, according to the greater strength of the Planet at the time of birth. Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus and Mercury will, respectively, give spacial (etheral), airy (windy), fiery, watery and earthy temperament. If all of them, or many of these Planets have equal strength, the temperament will be of a mixed character.
5. If Sun be endowed with strength, the native will have fiery temperament. If Moon be strong, the native will have watery temperament. All the Planets in course of their Dasa endow the native with bodily lustre, relating to their elements.
6. The characteristic features of the person with fiery temperament are: distressed with hunger, restless, lean and thin body, learned, consumes a large quantity of food, sharp, fair-complexioned and proud.
7. … earthy: emits fragrance of camphor and lotus, is fond of luxuries, comforts and enjoyments and is permanently happy, forgiving and has a deep voice, like a lion.
8. … etheral: acquainted with semasiology, expert in diplomacy, brilliant, learned, unmasked face and long stature.
9. … watery: is lustrous, can sustain burdens, is soft-spoken, king, has many friends and is learned.
10. … airy: charitable, full of anger, fair complexion, fond of wandering, victorious over enemies, king and has lean physique.
11. When the fire element is predominant in a person, his face and body exhibit lustre, like gold and he has happy-looking eyes. He achieves success in all his ventures, is victorious over his enemies and gets gains of wealth.
12. … earth, the body of the person emits various kinds of fragrances. His nails, hair and teeth are are clean. He gets gains of happiness and wealth and is religious-minded.
13. … ether, the person is a clever conversationalist and becomes happy by learning to songs etc.
14. … water, the persons body is slender, he enjoys good health and tasty food and is happy on that account.
15. … air, the body is filthy. The person becomes an idiot and suffers from rheumatism, sorrows and agonies.
16. The sage said. O Brahmin! The effects of the elements, which I have described above, will be realized in full, if the Planets concerned are endowed with adequate strength. If they are weak, the effects will be reduced in proportion to their weakness.
17. If the Planet concerned is in his debilitation Rāśi, or be placed in an inauspicious House, the elemental effects will be adverse, that is, opposite to the effects, described above. If a Planet is without strength, his elemental effects will be experienced only in imagination.
18. If a persons time, date and place of birth is not known, he should determine the Dasa of a Planet from the effects, mentioned above and, if he is facing evil effects, he should take appropriate remedial measures to appease the Planet concerned.