Mars in the Ninth House
Sutras 72-74-If Mars is in the ninth house the native will suffer the loss of father in his early life. He will be unfortunate (no prosperity). If Mars be exalted (in Capricorn) or be in his sign (Aries or Scorpio) the native will have illicit relations with the wife of his preceptor.
Comments-Ninth house inter alia signifies father. The malefic Mars in ninth will take the life of the father of the native early in the latter’s life. It is also said that Mars in the ninth will make the native unfortunate. Mars is a powerful malefic and is capable of this effect but this will not happen in the following circumstances:-
(1) When Aries or Scorpio is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the ascendant.
(2) When Sagittarius is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the fifth house.
(3) When Cancer is ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the 5th and 10th houses.
(4) When Leo is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as lord of the 4th and 9th houses.
(5) When Pisces is the ascendant and Mars is in the ninth as the lord of 2nd and 9th houses.
The dispositions mentioned at (3), (4) and (5)will give rise to a powerful Rajayoga giving name, fame and wealth to the native.
We are also doubtful if a powerful and benefic Mars (that is when he is exalted or in his own sign) will tempt the native to have illicit relations with his preceptor’s wife. This may happen only when such Mars is associated with or aspected by Saturn, Rahu or Ketu.
Other Views
Brihat Jataka-The person concerned will commit sinful actions.
Phaldeepika-People will be jealous of the native even if he is a king’s favourite. The native will not enjoy happiness from the side of his father (this may mean early death of the father) and he will cause sorrow and pain to others.
Saravali-The native will be mean, violent, irreligious, sinful but he will get favours from the king (Government).
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be wealthy and fortunate. He will have a cruel mind. His efforts will not prove successful.
Note-All the above authorities except Chmatkar Chintamani have attributed evil effects to Mars in the ninth house. The beneficial results mentioned by Chamatkar Chintamani should be realised in the circumstances mentioned in our comments above.
Mars in the Tenth House
Sutras 75-85-If Mars is in the tenth house, the native will be acclaimed by the people. If the lord of the tenth is strong the brothers will be long-lived. The native will be particularly fortunate and prosperous, he will take interest in meditation, and will be devoted to his preceptor. If Mars is in conjunction with a malefic, there will be obstructions in the professional career. If he js associated with a benefic or is in the house of a benefic, the native will be successful in his undertaking.
Comments-Almost all the Sutras are logical and to the point and self-explanatory. Mars will give good effects in the 10th as he gets directional strength in that house. Ill effects are realised only when Mars is associated with or aspected by a malefic or is lord of an evil house. If Mars is in his sign (Aries or Scorpio) he will be in the 10th as lord of the 10th, giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga. The same will happen if Mars is in Taurus (Leo Ascendant) or in Sagittarius (Pisces Ascendant), because then he will be in the 10th as lord of the 9th. If Mars is in the 10th, he will be in kendra to the ascendant. If he is in own sign or in his sign of exaltation, Ruchaka yoga will also be formed, the effects of which have already been described at the beginning of this chapter.
It is stated in Sutra 76 that if the lord of 10th is strong the brothers will be longlived. Although the tenth house has nothing to do with brothers, Mars is significator (karaka) of brothers, and it is on this basis that the above result has been predicted.
Other Views
Brihat Jataka-The person concerned will be happy and powerful.
Phaldeepika-The person will be cruel, charitable, like a king, valourous and will be admired by all.
Saravali-The native will be very efficient in his work, valourous, unconquerable, employee of a highly placed man, blessed with children and full of glory.
Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will have auspicious celebrations in his house. He will be respected by people. Even if he belongs to modest family he will rise very high on account of his brilliant intellect. He will be like a lion (that is, very courageous).
Note-All the above authorities agree that Mars in the tenth gives beneficial results, but if the results are to be of high order, Mars should get benefic influence and be in dignity, and the lord of the 10th should be well placed as indicated in Bhrigu Sutras.