20. Devadaaru
Names:- Latin Pinus deodara
Tamil Devadaaru
Telugu Devadaaru
Canarese Devadaaru
Malayal Devadaram
Urdu Devadar
Devadaaru Laghu Srigdham
Tiktoshnam Katu Paakicha
Nibandhaadhmaana Sodhaama
Tandraa Hikkaa Jwaraasrajit
Prameha Peenasa sleshma
Kaasa Kandoo Sameeranut.
Devadaaru is light and lubricating. It is acute and pungent in action. It is useful in the treatment of constipation, distention of abdomen, dropsy, Aama, Sleepiness, Hiccough, fever, Diabetes and other urinary disorders, chronic nasal inflammation, Kapha, Kaasa, itching and Vaata diseases.
Dose:- As a decoction 2 tolas to be boiled with 16 parts of water, boiled down to 4 or 8 tolas and taken with sugar or as tea with milk and sugar.
Action:- Carminative, blood-purifier, probably increases Phagacytosis, mild diuretic, diaphoretic, antiphlogistic and antiseptic.
Uses:- This is one of the most useful drugs which though not very much used separately, is used in combination with other antipyretics. It has a fine fragrance and is specially recommended in glandular diseases and in consumption. The oil or tarry oil obtained by destructive distillation of Devadar is used as an external application for wounds and may also be used internally in leprosy, syphilis and other allied disorders. It is a diaphoretic and diuretic and deserves to be used more than at present, but genuine stuff is not easily available.
Externally, it is used as an antiseptic and antiphlogistic and is applied as a hot paste with water.
21. Dhaanyakam
Latin Coriandrum Sativum
Tamil Kottamalli virai, Dhaniya
Telugu Dhaniyalu
Canarese Kottambari
Malaya Kottamalli
Urdu Dhania
Dhaanyakam Tuvaram Snighdham
Avrishyam mootralam Laghu
Tiktam Katoosha Veeryamcha
Deepanam Paachanam Smritam
Jwaraghnam Rochanam Graahi
Swaadu Paaki Tridoshanut
Trishnaa Daaha Vami Swaasa
Kaasaamaarsah Krimi pranut.
Dhaanyaka is astringent, oily, slightly pungent and bitter and Madhura in Vipaaka, slightly improves sperm (avrishyam). Increases urine; improves appetite; matures aama; creates taste for food, slightly constricts and checks Tridoshas. It is useful in fevers, thirst, burning sensation, vomiting, hard breathing (Swaasa) cough, Aamadosha, piles and Krimi.
Dose:- ¼ to 1 tola as a decoction with 8 times the quantity of water reduced to one-fourth.
20 to 60 grains with sugar or in combination with other aromatics as powder or as a condiment according to taste.
Liquid extract of Dhaanyaka ground with water obtained by washing rice (Thandulodaka) and a little sugar is given in teaspoonful doses for children as gripe water.
The green leaf as a chutney with tamarind, lemon or curd and chillies or pepper and salt or as a rasam.
Action:- Aromatic stimulant, digestive, mild expectorant, diuretic, febrifuge and tonic.
Uses:- It is used to disguise the taste and smell of many drugs such as Senna and also to auxiliarate their use. It is a milder stimulant than ginger or pepper, is less irritant and more pleasant especially for indigestion and colic of children; and for catarrh, cold and cough of infants it makes an excellent decoction. A tumblerful of hot decoction, given at the height of fever, relieves thirst, produces perspiration and reduces fever. It improves the appetite and helps in a natural cure of cute short fevers of climatic origin. For Dhaanyaka coffee see Aswagandha.
22. Dhattoora
Names:- Latin Datura fastuosa
Tamil Oomattai
Telugu Oomettha
Canares Ummatta
Malayal Ummam
Urdu Datura
Prabhaavena Jwaram Jayet
Twagdosha Kriccha Kandooti
Jwarahaaree Bhramaavahah
Dhanvanthari Nighantu
Dhattura is bitter, and heating. It improves complexion and relieves pain due to wounds. It is used externally in Kushta. It checks fever by its pharmacodynamic power (Prabhaavaa) by internal use. It is useful in the treatment of skin diseases, difficulty in passing urine, itching and fevers. It causes giddiness.
Dose:- Of the swarasam 10 drops to a teaspoonful.
Of the oil prepared with four times the quantity of swarasam – 3 to 10 drops with milk.
Of the seeds ½ to 2 grains.
Action:- Anodyne, specific in poisons due to bite of rabid dogs or poisonous insects and insanity and as a sedative in fevers.
Externally it relieves pain, and inflammation and kills parasites. Mydriatic (dialates pupil) and relieves pain in the eyes.
It is described to be a curative of fever by its Prabhava (“pittakrit” Rajavallabha, “Prabhavena jwaram jayet,” Dhanvantri Nighantu).
Uses:- It enters into the composition of pills such as Jwaraankusa rasa, Panchavaktra rasa etc., used in complicated fevers. This drug is rarely used alone internally. But it may be used in certain types of asthma and elephantiasis in repeated small doses, watching the results. In elephantiasis, Vangasena says, that Dhatura seeds, taken daily in gradually increasing doses like Vardhamana pippali with cold water cures cases of serious types. In bites of rabid dogs, the swarasam of the leaf is given in large doses until giddiness is produced and then the patient is bathed in plenty of cold water and is given curd and rice. This is adopted as a secret remedy by some specialists as a preventive against hydrophobia and is well worth a trial.
Externally the oil is of great use in relieving pain due to rheumatism and as eye-drops to relieve the pain in iritis. The seeds ground into a paste with fresh Punarnava root and opium and applied comfortably hot to rheumatic joints is very effective in reducing pains and swellings. The leaf is used as an antiphlogistic poultice smeared with castor oil in inflamed piles and abscesses.