Pandit Sitaraman teaching Vedic recital to his Sishyas
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Even in today’s world India is fortunate to have gurus who teach the Vedas and the Vedic rituals as they were practiced thousands of years ago. Pandit G.K.Sitaramamn is one such man. He hails from a traditional Tamil agnihotra Brahmin family of the legendary town of Tanjavoor and studied the Vedas and rituals for 14 years at the famous Kanchi Kamakothi Peetham. He is also an M.A, M.Phil. in Sanskrit, a Sri Vidya Upasaka and an excellent artist.
He undertook the monumental project of audio recording all the four Vedas – the first ever such attempt by any one. For each Veda the best expert pundits were called from various South Indian Vedic centers and the recording was done on a phase by phase manner – total 200 hours of audio recording. The project started in 1987 and was completed in 1993. Initially it was in the form of audio cassettes which were given to the Vedic students. The digitalisation in MP3 CD format was completed in 2004.
Even listening to the Vedas is described in the scriptures as one of the most auspicious and fortunate things a human being can do.
Those interested in obtaining these rare Veda CDs for personal purpose can make a nominal donation online and get them by courier. The MP3 files on this site are a lower quality 24 bit rate files but the CDs you’ll get are of a much higher quality.
Please do not give copies to anyone as this money helps a Vedasala which did the stupendous task of recording the Vedas and it took 6 years to record .
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CDs will be sent by courier within 10 days of receiving order.
The contents are:
Complete RigVeda (Ashtaka sakha) 1 MP3 CD,
Complete SamaVeda (Kuthuma sakha)1 MP3 CD
Complete ShuklaYajurVeda (Kanva sakha)1 MP3 CD
Complete KrishnaYajurVeda (Taittiriiya samhita)1 MP3CD
Complete AtharvaVeda (Saunaka sakha) 1MP3 CD
Order All four Vedas set of 5 MP3 CDs
Limited period special festive discount
Delivery within India Rs.2500/- …… Donate now
Pandit Seetharaman started a Veda shala in Delhi in 1996 to teach Vedas and rituals to aspiring students. There are 3 level Vedic courses. A short 3 year course, the full 8 year course and the advanced 14 year course. At present 27 students are studying in his Vedashala. It is a very strict learning course. Day starts with getting up at Brahma Muhurta (4.30 AM) and performing Sandhya Vandanam and ends with Vishnu Sahasranama recital at night before dinner. In between they also play Kabaddi , carrom and Cricket. The students stay at the Vedasala and till education is complete they cant go home!!
Needless to say that lodging, food and teaching are free.
In recognition of his selfless work to promote Vedic knowledge. His Holiness Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham honored him with the title of “Veda Prasara Ratna” and a golden bracelet. Click to see picture.
I am collaborating with him to start a few online courses very soon with fully interactive virtual class room with audio visual aids. They are as follows:
Vedas appreciation course: A birds eye view of the Vedas, their origin and mythology and stories associated with the Vedas, the Various branches (sakas) of Vedas and the most important Verses of each Veda.
Sanskrit learning course: A basic course in learning the divine language which is the mother of all languages.
Pooja teaching course: How to perform the main poojas as per the prescribed Vedic method.