IX-1. Then Narada inquired: ‘How is the real form of Brahman ?’ The god Brahma answered (expounding) the real form of Brahman. Those who consider that He (the transcendent Brahman) is one an... Read more
VII-1. Then asked about the restrictions to (the conduct of) the ascetic, the god Brahma said to them in front of Narada. (The ascetic) being dispassionate shall reside in a fixed abode duri... Read more
VI-1. Then Narada asked of the grandfather (Brahma): ‘Lord, (the sage attains liberation) by that practice, according to the maxim of the wasp and the worm. How is that practice (accomplishe... Read more
V-1. Then Narada asked of the god Brahma: ‘Lord, you have said that renunciation entails ceasing from all activity. Again you have said that one shall be zealous in the conduct of one’s stag... Read more
IV-1. He who abandons the (three) worlds, the Vedas, objects of senses, the (influence of the) sense and remains (established) in the Atman alone, attains the highest goal. IV-2. A good asce... Read more
III-51. Abandoning (both) virtuous acts towards one’s dear ones and evil deeds towards unfriendly people, (a person) attains the eternal Brahman by the practice of deep meditation (Dhyana-yo... Read more
Translated by Prof. A. A. Ramanathan Published by The Theosophical Publishing House, Chennai Om ! O Devas, may we hear with our ears what is auspicious; May we see with our eyes what is aus... Read more
II-ii-1: (It is) effulgent, near at hand, and well known as moving in the heart, and (It is) the great goal. On It are fixed all these that move, breathe, and wink or do not wink. Know this... Read more
Translated by Swami Gambhirananda – Published by Advaita Ashram, Kolkatta Om ! O gods, may we hear auspicious words with the ears; While engaged in sacrifices, May we see auspicious t... Read more
IV. ALATASANTI PRAKARANA (On extinguishing the fire brand) IV-1. I bow down to him who is the best among men and who has realised the individual souls that are like ether, through his knowle... Read more