Anuradha nakshatra (Scorpionis) Spread from 3:20’ to 16”40’ Vrischika Rashi. Ruling planet is Saturn, Symbol – a leaf-decked triumphal gate.
It is the birth star Sri Lakshmi Narayanar and Sun
Given bellow are the qualities of the nakshatras as given in the scriptures. This is the only site where you will get authentic information about Nakshatras from 3 great scriptures.
The one marked 1 is from the Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira.
The one marked 2 Is from Yavan Jataka of Yavana
and the one marked 3 is from Taittiriya Brahmana an ancient Vedic text.
1 Anuradha-Master or chief, living in foreign countries, not able to bear hunger and fond of traveling.
2 Anuradha: It is the birth star of Goddess Lakshmi. One born in Anuradha will be in king’s service, be heroic, will live in foreign lands, be loved by women, charming, will perform secretive acts and be tawny in complexion.
3 Anuradha is ruled by Mitra, the Divine Friend. It gives the power of worship (radhana shakti). Its basis above is ascension. Its basis below is descension. From these three honor and abundance is gained. Anuradha Nakshatra gives balance in relationship, both honoring others and seeking ourselves to be honorable, through which we acquire fame and recognition. Mitra indicates compassion, devotion and right relationship.