iv. 3. 11.
a. This is she that first dawned;
Within this (earth) she hath entered and moveth;
The new-made bride as mother beareth the mothers;
Three greatnesses attend her.
b. Charming, the dawns, adorned,
Moving along a common birthplace,
Wives of the sun, they move, wise ones,
Making a banner of light, unaging, rich in seed.
c. Three have followed the path of holy order,
Three cauldrons have come with the light,
Offspring one guardeth, strength one [1],
Another the law of the pious guardeth.
d. The fourth hath become that of four Stomas,
Becoming the two wings of the sacrifice, O Rsis;
Yoking the Gayatri, Tristubh, Jagati, and Anustubh, the Brhat,
The hymn, they have borne forward this heaven.
e. By five the creator disposed this (world),
What time he produced sisters of them, five by five,
By their mingling go five strengths
Clad in various forms.
f. Thirty sisters go to the appointed place,
Putting on the same badge [2],
The sages spread out the seasons, the knowing ones
With the metres in their midst, go about in brilliance.
g. The shining one putteth on clouds,
The ways of the sun, the night divine;
The beasts of many forms that are born
Look around on the lap of their mother.
h. The Ekastaka, undergoing penance,
Hath borne a child, the great Indra;
Therewith the gods overpowered the Asuras;
Slayer of Asuras he became in his might.
i. Ye have made me, who am not younger, the younger;
Speaking the truth I desire this;
May I [3] enjoy his lovingkindness as do ye;
May not one of you supplant another.
k. He hath enjoyed my lovingkindness, the all-knower;
He hath found a support, for he hath won the shallow;
May I enjoy his lovingkindness as do ye
May not one of you supplant another.
l. On the five dawns follow the five milkings,
On the cow with five names the five seasons;
The five quarters are established by the fifteenfold (Stoma),
With equal heads over the one world [4].
m. She who first shone forth is the child of holy order;
One supporteth the might of the waters;
One moveth in the places of the sun,
And one in those of the heat; Savitr governeth one.
n. She who first shone forth
Hath become a cow with Yams;
Do thou, rich in milk, milk for us
Season after season.
o. She of bright bulls hath come with the cloud, the light,
She of all forms, the motley, whose banner is fire;
Accomplishing thy common task,
Bringing old age, thou hast come, O unaging dawn.
P. Lady, of seasons the first, she hath come hither,
Leading the days, and bearer of offspring;
Though one, O Usas, in many places dost thou shine forth
Unaging thou dost make to age all else.
iv. 3.12.
a. O Agni, drive away those foes of ours that are born;
Drive away those too that are unborn, O all-knower;
Shine out for us in kindliness and without anger,
In thy protection may I be with threefold protection and victorious.
b. O Agni, drive away those foes of ours that are born with force;
Drive away those that are unborn, O all-knower;
Favour us in kindliness,
May we (enjoy thy protection); drive away our foes.
c. (Thou art) the forty-fourfold Stoma, radiance the wealth.
d. (Thou art) the sixteenfold Stoma, force the wealth.
e. Thou art the dust of earth [1], called Apsas.
f. (Thou art) the course metre; the space metre; the health-bringing metre; the overpowering metre; the covering metre; the mind metre; the expanse metre; the river metre; the sea metro; the water metre; the uniting metro; the separating metre; the Brhat metro; the Rathantara metre; the collecting metre; the parting metre; the voices metre; the radiant metro; the Sastubh metre; the Anustubh metre; the Kakubh metre; the Trikakubh metre; the poetic metre; the water metre [2]; the Padapankti metre, the Aksarapahkti metre, the Vistarapankti metre: the razor-with-strop metre; the enveloping metre; the side metre; the course metre; the space metre; the strength metre; the maker of strength metre; the expansive metre; the conflict metre; the covering metre; the difficult of access metre; the slow metre; the Ankanka metre.
iv. 3. 13.
a. May Agni slay the foe,
Eager for wealth, joyfully,
Kindled, pure as offered.
b. Thou Soma art very lord,
Thou art king, and slayer of foes;
Thou art favouring strength.
c. Favouring is thy look, O fair-faced Agni,
That art dread and extending, pleasant (is it);
Thy radiance they cover not with the darkness;
The defiling leave no stain in thy body.
d. Favouring is thy face, O mighty Agni;
Even by the side of the sun it is bright [1],
Radiant to behold it is seen even by night,
Pleasant to the sight is food in thy form.
e. With his countenance the kindly one
Will sacrifice to the gods for us, most skilled to win prosperity by sacrifice;
Guardian undeceived and protector of us,
O Agni, shine forth with radiance and with wealth.
f. Prosperity for us from sky, O Agni, from earth,
With full life do thou procure, O god, for worship;
That splendid thing, O sky-born, which we ask,
Do thou bestow upon us that radiant wealth.
g. As thou, O Hotr, in man’s worship [2],
O son of strength, shalt sacrifice with offerings,
Verily do thou to-day, gladly, offer sacrifice
To the glad gods together assembled.
h. I praise Agni, domestic priest,
God of the sacrifice and priest,
The Hotr, best bestower of jewels.
i. Thou art strong, O Soma, and bright,
Thou art strong, O god, and strong thy rule,
Strong laws dost thou establish.
k. O Maruts, that burn, this offering (is yours)
Do ye rejoice in it,
For your aid, ye destroyers of the foe.
l. The man of evil heart, O bright ones, O Maruts,
Who is fain to smite us contrary to right [3],
In the noose of destruction may he be caught,
Slay him with your most burning heat.
m. The Maruts, of the year, fair singers,
With wide abodes, in troops among men,
May they from us unloosen the bonds of tribulation,
Those that burn, delighting, granting delight,
n. Delight the eager gods, O thou most young,
Knowing the seasons, O lord of the season, do thou sacrifice here;
With the priests divine, O Agni,
Thou art the best sacrificer of Hotrs.
o. O Agni, whatever to-day, O offering Hotr of the people,
O pure [4] and radiant one, thou dost enjoy, for thou art the sacrificer,
Rightly shalt thou sacrifice, since thou hast grown in might,
Carry the oblations that are thine to-day, O thou most young.
p. By Agni may one win wealth
And abundance, day by day,
Glory full of heroes.
q. Enricher, slayer of disease,
Wealth-finder, prospering prosperity,
O Soma, be a good friend to us.
r. Come hither, O ye that tend the house,
Depart not, O Maruts,
Freeing us from tribulation.
s. For in autumns gone by
We have paid worship, O Maruts,
With the means [5] of mortal men.
t. Your greatness surgeth forth from the depths,
Make known your names, O active ones;
O Maruts, accept the thousandth share of the house,
Of the householder’s offering.
u. Him to whom, the strong, the youthful maiden,
Rich in oblation, bearing ghee, approacheth night and morning,
To him his own devotion (approacheth) seeking wealth.
v. O Agni, these most acceptable oblations,
Immortal one, bear for the divine worship;
Let them accept our fragrant (offerings).
w. The playful horde of the Maruts,
Sporting, resplendent on the chariot [6],
O Kanvas, do ye celebrate.
x. The Maruts, speeding like steeds,
Disport themselves like youths gazing at a spectacle,
Standing in the home like beauteous younglings,
Bestowing milk, like playful calves.
y. At their advance the earth moves as if trembling,
When they yoke (their teams) for their journeys, for brilliance;
Playing, resounding, with flaming weapons,
They display their own greatness, the shakers.
z. What time on the steeps ye pile the moving one,
Like birds, O Maruts, on whatever path [7],
The clouds spill their water on your chariots;
Do ye sprinkle for the praiser ghee of honey hue.
aa. Agni with invocations
They ever invoke, lord of the people,
Bearer of the oblation, dear to many.
bb. For him they ever praise,
The god with ladle dripping ghee,
Agni to bear the oblation.
cc. O Indra and Agni, the spaces of sky.
dd. Pierce Vrtra.
ee. Indra from all sides.
ff. Indra men.
gg. O Viçvakarman, waxing great with the oblation.
hh. O Viçvakarman, with the oblation as strengthening.