41. ‘You will all be outside the three Vedas and ineligible to perform Vedic rites’. 42. Hearing the curse of Gautama thus pronounced on those sages, the seven sages told him, ‘although your... Read more
Agastya said: 1. Said thus by Rudra, all the gods and sages bowed to him; I too did the same. 2. After bowing thus, when I looked at him, I saw in his body Brahma. 3. I also saw in his heart... Read more
26. There is no god above Him in the past, present or future. He who is Visnu is Brahma and he who is Brahma is Maheswara, too. The Brahman is considered the Supreme Deity. IT is not one amo... Read more
Rudra said: 12. Listen to me, all of you, Devas, devarishis, brahmarishis, and you intelligent Agastya in particular. 13-14. He for whom sacrifices are to be performed is the great and omnip... Read more
51. All the creatures of the world, steeped in lust and greed, and engrossed in thoughts on the ways and means of securing their worldly ambitions, are quickly consumed by Thee, the un-winki... Read more
48. Prior to creation, Thou alone did exist, with Maya, Thy creative power, abiding in Thee latent. Then Maya manifested itself as Prakrti, with its constituents of sattva, rajas and tamas,... Read more
41. Even Yama, who destroys the whole world with a slight but energetic and threatening movement of his brows, considers devotees who have taken shelter at Thy feet as beyond his sway. 42. I... Read more
26. Salutations to Thee who are the meritorious deeds that take one to the worlds of enjoyment, and the holy living that leads one to the realms of spiritual glory – to Thee who are also Dea... Read more
15. You, the devotees of Bhagawan Visnu, are as dear to me as the Bhagawan Himself. And to the devotees of Bhagawan, there is none as dear as I am. 16. I shall teach you a hymn of praise w... Read more
The Rudra-Gita is contained in Slokas 16-79 of chapter 24 – Skandha IV of Srimad Bhagavata and chapters 70-72 of Varaha-purana. Hymn of Liberation Vidura said: 1. Oh holy one! How did the Pr... Read more