466. In Hindu mythology, solar eclipses are caused by Rahu’s attempts at swallowing the Sun. 467. Budha is Mercury, and Sukra is Venus. 468. Both the Bombay and the Bengal texts repeat... Read more
431. The Bengal reading is tatas kruddhar. The Bombay reading is vachas kruram. I adopt the latter. 432. The last word of this verse in the Bengal text is Sanjaya; in the Bombay text, it is... Read more
391. A fabulous aquatic animal resembling an alligator. 392. Formed after the shape of the hawk. 393. The Bengal reading is ‘Yudhi sandhaya’. The Bombay reading is ‘pratisa... Read more
351. The sense is that Arjuna representing one force, and Bhishma another, the two forces seemed to mingle, into one another, like one bolt of heaven against another, as one may say. 352. Ap... Read more
321. These fences were made of iguana skins and cased the hands of the bowmen up to a few inches of the elbow-joint. 322. Nimitta is explained by Nilakantha as the mark of object aimed at. D... Read more
291. ‘That’ evidently refers to sacrifice, penance, and gift, in the clause before. The commentators, however, suggest that it may, besides, refer to Brahma. I am myself not sure... Read more
266. Karya-karana-karttritwa is explained by both Sankara and Sreedhara to mean “the capacity of working (residing) in the body and the senses.” K. T. Telang adopts this. Mr. Dav... Read more
236. Vistarasya evidently refers (as explained by all the commentators) to Vibhutinam. it is a question of grammar and not of doctrine that there can be any difference of opinion. Mr. Davies... Read more
201. Without leaving anything, i.e., entirely. 202. The Divine-Word i.e., the Vedas. So great is the efficacy of devotion that one merely enquiring of it transcends him who conforms to the r... Read more
161. The word rendered “nature” is prakriti. It really implies “primal matter.” 162. The second line, literally rendered, is “deeming that qualities engage in q... Read more