“Bhishma continued, ‘Hearing these words of mine. Rama addressed me, laughingly saying, ‘By good luck it is, O Bhishma, that thou desirest to fight with me in battle! O tho... Read more
“Rama said, ‘O best of Rishis, I recollect that vow of mine made before. I will, however (in the present instance) do that which conciliation may point out. That task which the d... Read more
SECTION CLXXIX “Akritavrana said, ‘Of these two afflictions of thine, for which, O blessed lady, dost thou seek a remedy? Tell me this. Is it thy wish that the lord of Saubha sho... Read more
SECTION CLXXVIII “Bhishma said, ‘Those virtuous ascetics then set themselves about their usual avocations, thinking all the while as to what they should do for that maiden. And s... Read more
SECTION CLXXVI “Bhishma said, ‘I then placed the matter before (my mother) Kali, otherwise called Gandhavati, as also all our counsellors, and also before our special and ordinar... Read more
SECTION CLXXIII “Bhishma said, ‘O great king, Rochamana is another Maharatha of the Pandavas. He will, O Bharata, contend in battle against hostile warriors, like a second god. T... Read more
As regards Gudakesha, of reddish eyes, having Narayana for his ally, there is not among both the armies any brave car-warrior that can be regarded as his equal. Let men alone, it hath not be... Read more
SECTION CLXIX “Bhishma said, ‘Both the brothers Achala and Vrisha are Rathas. Invincible (in battle) they will slay thy foes. Endued with great strength, those tigers among men,... Read more
SECTION CLXVII “Bhishma said, ‘Sudhakshina, the ruler of the Kamvojas, is in my judgment, equal to a single Ratha. Desiring the success of thy object, he will certainly fight wit... Read more
SECTION CLXV ‘Sanjaya said, ‘Having listened to Uluka’s words, Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, moved his army headed by Dhrishtadyumna and others. And that vast army comman... Read more