CHAPTER VI The Four Ashramas. Nations have characteristics, just as have individuals, and among the characteristics of the Hindu nation in old days were order and balance. The Sanatana Dharm... Read more
CHAPTER V. Worship. The performance of the five daily sacrifices by man as an inter-dependent part of a universe, does not, however, completely satisfy the longings of the truly religious ma... Read more
CHAPTER IV. The Five Daily Sacrifices. WE have seen that there exists a law of Yajna, of Sacrifice, and that man’s glory is to voluntarily work with it. We have now to see how the Sanatana D... Read more
CHAPTER III. Shaucham. SOHAUCHAM , or Shaucha, consists of the rules laid down for keeping bodily purity, and thus ensuring physical health and strength. Disease is a sign that some law of n... Read more
Chapter 2. Shraddha. S H R A D D H A is the name of the ceremonies performed to help the Jiva, who has put off his visible body in death, by those who remain in this world. The diva that has... Read more
SANATANA DHARMA. PART II. CHAPTER I. The Samskaras. EVERY religion prescribes a number of ceremonies, or rites, to be performed by its followers. The use of the ceremonies, speaking generall... Read more
CHAPTER VI. The Worlds – Visible and Invisible. WE all know one world, the world around us, which we can see, and hear, and touch, and taste, and smell. Science tells us of many parts... Read more
C H A P T E R V. Sacrifice. THE idea of “offering sacrifices” is very familiar in India, but a student needs to understand the principle which underlies all sacrifices, so that he may realis... Read more
CHAPTER 4. K a r m a. KARMA is a Sanskrit word which means action, but it is generally used to mean a certain definite connection between what is being done now and what will happen in the f... Read more
Chapter3. Rebirth. THE evolution spoken o£ in the last chapter is carried on by the Jiva passing from body to body, the bodies improving as his powers unfold; this is called re-birth, re-inc... Read more
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