If there are tensions and problems in your family , then worship God and give services to your parents . You will get mental peace. यदि आपके घर में क्लेश रहता है तो रोज भगवान की पूजा करें तथ... Read more
You will get success in whatever work you will do. Chances of overseas travels are there for you. Worship Lord Ganesha for your betterment. आप जो भी कार्य करेंगे उसमें सफलता मिलेगी। विदेश या... Read more
Worship lord Saturn on Saturday . You will get back lost object and monetary problems will be resolved as well. शनिवार को शनिदेव का पूजन करें। गुम हुई वस्तु मिल जाएगी। धन संबंधी समस्या भी दू... Read more
There is one and half years time remaining for ending your miseries. Take the help of parents for whatever work you do. Service Brahmins and worship your isht devta. आपके समस्या दूर होने में... Read more
You can go for travelling. Travelling will be auspicious , happy and fruitful for you. Worship your isht devta. यात्रा पर जा सकते हैं। यात्रा मंगल, सुखद व लाभकारी रहेगी। कुलदेवी का पूजन करें... Read more
Your good time has come .Your mental tensions will end. You will get happiness and monetary benefits. आपको अच्छा समय आ गया है। चिंता दूर होगी। धन एवं सुख प्राप्त होगा। Order your personalize... Read more
Worship Mother Durga . Mother will guide you to right path and you will get success. आप देवी मां पूजा करें। मां ही सपने में आकर आपका मार्गदर्शन करेंगी। सफलता मिलेगी। Order your personalized... Read more
If you see yourself going to village in your dreams , then you will get auspicious news. You will get benefit from your son. Chances of financial gains will be there for you. आपके सपने में स... Read more
Your wishes will get fulfilled . You will get favours from government . You will meet your friend or brother. जो इच्छा आपके मन में है वह पूरी होगी। राज्य की ओर से लाभ प्राप्ति का योग बन रहा... Read more
After some time, favourable time will be coming for you. If you do cloth business , it will be beneficial for you . Things will remain in your favour. कुछ ही दिनों बाद आपका श्रेष्ठ समय आने व... Read more
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