Now Yogas for evils to mother. 179. (a) Malefics in angles and trines will bring forth danger to mother in the 7th year. (b) If there be a malefic joining another malefic in the 4th from Ven... Read more
174. Munisvara Yoga: If the 9th lord is in the 9th house and is aspected by the Moon, who in turn is in a Navamsa of Mars, then Munisvara Yoga is formed. Such a person will be an expounder o... Read more
165.168. Long-life: (a) If the lord of the ascendant in strength occupies an angle, unaspected by malefics and aspected by benefic planets, the person will be a king and will live long. (b)... Read more
155. Eighty/Sixty Years: If the pIanets in angles beget malefic Navamsas, the person will live upto 80. If these fall in Navamsas that are owned by benefics and malefics, the length of life... Read more
145. Hundred Years: The subject belonging to Scorpio or Cancer ascendant with the Sun therein as the Moon is in the 2nd house with a malefic planet and Jupiter is elsewhere other than an ang... Read more
138. Fifty Years: The lord of the natal ascendant should be in the 8th in Navamsa while the lord of the 8th from the natal, ascendant is in the Navamsa ascendant. Both should join malefic pl... Read more
128. Death at 28: Should the lords of the ascendant and the 8th be together in the 8th house or in an angle along with a malefic planet, the native’s life will end during his 28th year... Read more
118. Death at 20: If the lord of the ascendant is in the 12th house, and malefics are angular, while the lord of the Moon sign is bereft of union or aspect of benefics, the native will die i... Read more
112. Should Dhooma Ketu rise at birth accompanied by fall of a meteor or by a strong gale, one born in Rudra Muhurta or Sarpa Muhurta will not live for long. Notes: Rudra Muhurta is for 96 m... Read more
103. (a) If Saturn is in the ascendant in aspect to a malefic, the child will die on the 16th day of its birth. (b) If the said Saturnjoins a malefic planet in the ascendant, death will be w... Read more
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