277. Raja Yoga for Aries Ascendant: If Aries is the ascendant with the Sun in exaltation, the Moon in the 2nd, Venus in the 3rd along with Rahu, Jupiter in the 4th, Mercury in the 12th, Satu... Read more
Now about Raja Yogas leading to royal positions. ¬ 273. (a) If three or four planets are exalted at birth, one belonging to a royal scion will become a king. (b) One born in other fainilies... Read more
Now the views of sage Kasyapa (up to sloka 270). 266. Singly Mercury, Jupiter or Venus (with strength) in an angle from the ascendarit will remove blemishes as the sun dilutes fog. 267. Sing... Read more
252. Even Lord Brahma will be surprised at the way evils vanish in comParison to a calf-elephant’s destructive spree of the natural features on plain land, in case planets that do not... Read more
243. Single-handedly, Jupiter in the ascendant with all his rays (i.e. not being in combustion) and with exceeding strength can counter all the evils just as a devout prayer to Lord Siva dis... Read more
232. If the Moon joins all benefic planets and occupies a benefic’s decanate, evils will go away just as eye pains are cured by salt mixed with ghee. 233. The Moon being full and in th... Read more
223. Jupiter and Mars in union, or Jupiter aspecting Mars, will not leave the remnants of any blemish (concerning parents) and will bring forth auspiciousness. 224. The child will be a sourc... Read more
Now of Yogas that lead to cancellation of evils to father. 216. Malefics placed between benefic planets, and benefics occupying angles and trines (with reference to the Bhava under considera... Read more
(b) If both the 6th and 8th or both the 4th and 8th counted from the Sun are in occupation by malefic planets, without relation to benefics, early danger to father will exist. 205. Mars and... Read more
Now the Yogas for evils to father. 194. Early Loss: Saturn in the ascendant, Mars in the 7th and the Moon in the 6th from the ascendant will not allow one’s father live long. 195. Fath... Read more
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